
Need A Hand, Folks!

Hey. Little help? Here's my sitch. I'll ask you the question at the end of the post.

I recently bought a new guitar case to replace the shitty barely-more-than-cardboard one that's protected my older-than-me guitar clear across the continent for twenty-eight years. I am most pleased by this, but I found myself missing my case's lone adornment: a sticker from the Vancouver Aquarium which I got, oddly enough, at the Vancouver Aquarium. It was located on the narrower bit of the lid of the case, right about where the headstock would be if you were to look inside.

My new case had nothing there. Nothing anywhere else, either, which was something I regretted on the old case as well. I would never, ever, ever put a sticker or any other non-luthieresque adornment on an actual guitar, but I find that decoration on a case lends character to an otherwise bland conveyance, and allows a look into the personality of the player.

So, I decided that I needed to put something on mine. I had to go with something strong, something impervious. This new case, while it's just a regular acoustic guitar case, is fucking titanium compared to the old one; Joe, Joel, Andrew and maybe Meredith can attest to this. So I needed to have something on there that represented the absolute pinnacle of defensive armament. And who's tougher on the D than the shellhead himself. The Invincible Iron Man. And I don't mean the Black Sabbath bullshit Iron Man, I mean Tony Friggin' Stark, billionnaire industrialist and inventor of military technologies. And here I found a problem: The only easily accessible pictures of Iron man were either unsuitable or required subtle blendings of colour of which I am not as yet capable.
But then I found a sketch, a simple toss-off drawing by a dude named George Perez, whose mere name brings gasps of awe and the muffled noises of furious masturbation at comic conventions. This sketch.

Pretty boss, right? Right. So I cleaned it up a bit (paper was a tad yellowed and there were still the rough pencil lines, and a signature) and transferred it to my case, and painted it, with durable and easy-to-work-with acrylic paint I got from Curry's Art Supplies.

Yes, I do rock, thank you. And now my problem was solved: I had a decoration to replace my lost sticker, and it was sufficently boss, AND it represented the coolest suit of armour known to man.

But then... I still had a bunch of paint. So who else is cool? Well, if you've read a comic called Watchmen, by Alan Moore (which most of you haven't but really should (ask me and I'll give it to you on CD; it's only tweve issues)), you'd know that the coolest guy in there (probably) is a guy called Dr. Manhattan, whose powers are so boss I'll have to leave it to Wikipedia to explain. And his little symbol dealy looks like this.

And then, I'm thinking, who's the coolest? I don't mean like in a Fonz, kind of way, or in a Bjork kind of way. I mean in a massive cosmic power kind of way. Which leaves who? The Silver Surfer, possibly, but I had more of a Lantern vibe in mind. A Green Lantern Vibe. But this in itself caused me some consternation. As we all know, the Green Lantern is the protector of Earth's sector of space, and there are 3600 such sectors in the known universe, each patrolled by its own Green Lantern. Now, there have been seven Lanterns on Earth. Fortunately for my dilemma, there have been only two really awesome ones. Alan Scott and John Stewart (the current GL) were cool and everything, but the real boss ones were Kyle Rayner, the most famous Modern Age Lantern, and Hal Jordan, widely and correctly considered to be the one, true Green Lantern. but how could I choose?

But who cares? I have a fairly large guitar case. I decided to go with both, starting off with Hal's logo. It needs another coat or two, but it now looks like this. And then I started off on Kyle's decidedly more modern-looking symbol. Not done yet, of course; I'm still thinking about whether to use a white outline or to make a greenish-black fade on the outside border, or maybe another green-and-black bisected circle. Who knows? As of now, the whole thing looks like this.

But I need more! And here's where I call on you, Constant Reader, to help me.

Tell me any suggestions you may have to de-boring my guitar case! I'm currently mulling over the obvious Superman and Batman symbols, as well as Autobot and Decepticon logos, and possibly a Captain America shield. Definitely the Spidey symbiote suit, or maybe the new Iron Spidey look. And of course Captain Marvel. And I don't mean Marvel's Captain Marvel, I mean DC's Captain Marvel. The one that says 'Shazam.' Maybe Rorshach. Maybe The Sentry... I dunno. Help?


Blogger Junk in the Trunk said...

You should just always have paint with you and paint it to blend in with it's surroundings wherever you go.

10:11 PM  

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